Alberto París is a lawyer with extensive experience providing integral advice to banks and financial institutions in debt restructuring processes and all types of financing transactions. Stands out for his ability to suit the needs of the client, as well as for his practical approach to finding solutions for the successful completion of transactions.

Work highlights

Advising the banking syndicate formed by Banco Sabadell (as Sustainaiblility Coordinator, Sole Bookrunner, MLA, and Agent), and BBVA, Deutsche Bank, Santander and CaixaBank (as MLAs) in the structured  corporate financing provided to a leading company in Europe and Latin America in cybersecurity and cyberintelligence, for an amount of €20,000,000, destined to restructure its bank debt and to finance new business acquisitions.

This corporate financing transaction was granted including all necessary requirements to be Sustainability Financing in accordance with the Provisions for Sustainability-Linked Loans published by the Loan Market Association (LMA).

Advising credit institututions and investment funds (private lenders), as creditors, on a wide range of structuring plans transactions for the refinancing of the financial and commercial debt of several companies in pre-insolvency phase.

Advising a group of companies in the granting of a syndicated corporate financing by a syndicate of banks, formed by Banco Santander (as Coordinator and Sustainability Agent) and BBVA, CaixaBank, Banco Sabadell, Abanca and Ibercaja Banco (as Lenders). The financing was structured through the granting of a sustainable senior loan, divided in 4 tranches according to their purposes, and through a framework agreement of national and international commercial risk, for an aggregate amount of up to €97.5 million.

What clients say

Qualifications and memberships

  • Degree in Law Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)    
  • Master's Degree (L.L.M.) in Legal Advice for Companies (Asesoría  Jurídica de Empresas). IE Bussines School  (IE)    
  • Specialization Program in Financial Market Law (Derecho  de los Mercados Financieros). Instituto de  Estudios Bursátiles (IEB)

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